Professional work and travel

Tag: Hamburg

Germany from a train window

Drive by visit to Austria and Hamburg

After spending about 3 month in Spain for the winter. I wanted to go back heading a bit more north. Taking a look at the WordCamp schedule showed there is a WordCamp in Vienna. A small one but it’s a WordCamp.


Vienna takes proud in having carriages as taxis

Vienna takes pride in having carriages as taxis

So I flew from Barcelona over the Alps to Vienna. What is surprisingly far east. My geographic instinct got a real life update there. This time no WiFi on the plane, because of AirBerlin. But my seat mate is the most interesting of all ever. He is a professional Freestyle Motocross Pilot from South Africa. We are chatting a lot about motorbikes, danger, traveling and who awesome Europe is.
Arriving in Vienna, it feels weird to me that the people speak something quite close to my native language and I can read everything, beside it’s funny wording for some things.

In my hotel, for the next 2 nights, the first thing I do is drinking a glas of tasty tap water. What a joy and a bless that we don’t have to think about getting clean water, without buying it from a shop or even worse.
In the mood for drinking tasty things I meet with parts of the team from required in a (beach) bar. With some vine sitting in the sunshine the chatting about WordPress & Co. for the next 36 h get started. Later on we decided to go for a hunt, for some classic „Wiener Schnitzel“. It’s touristy, but we had to do it. So we end up in a restaurant, with a really funny and for stranger easy to misunderstand waiter.

Next day is camp day. The first time I’m at a WordCamp with just one track and one day. Well prepared with a WordCamp coffee mug and it’s accompanying content I missed the first sessions in favor of chatting with different people in the lobby. The rest of the day we spend with watching sessions and even more chatting about Code and non-Code. The final part of the Camp was a long and fun party.

Freestyle jumps with a bicycleThe next day I was roaming around Vienna where the annual marathon and an bicycle exhibition/show was taking place. I enjoyed what some freestyle riders were able to perform with there bikes. After that show I needed to move from the hotel to an AirB’n’B a bit more outside of the city center. It was an big and old flat where I was staying an an very spacious room and shared the flat for one week with the Austrian owner and a French guy living in Sweden.

Wenn die Küche auszieht

Things are getting real

Today my flatmate moved out including most of the things for the kitchen and the shared livingroom. Right now is the first time I really feel a physical change in giving up my flat and my permanent resident in Hamburg. Terminating you phone or electricity never seams to have consequences until now.

There are about 20 days left before my flight to Sofia takes of. In this time I now want to sell nearly everything left. So if you just moved into a new flat or someone around you need stuff, let me know. I’ll also will post a list of available things.

But I’m still not sad about it. And I’m looking forward to celebrate my birthday next week one more/last time in this flat.

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